2016 - a Round Up in Squares

Friday 30 December 2016

It's not shock news that 2016 has basically been a bit of a crappy year for a lot of people. As I'm writing this, Spotify has decided to churn out that All Night song by the Vamps and this tune is absolute feels. Anyone else feel like a movie streaming all night, with no sleep? That's definitely been my 2016 aesthetic.

Here's the round up of my year:


January was bleak for me, I'd just left university and had no one what I was going to do with my life. I had really bad January blues. Nevertheless, I threw myself into my blog. That month I smashed out 16 blog posts, and re-found my love for writing, I guess January wasn't all that bad. Oh, I also dyed my hair grey for the first time, which I absolutely loved.


I managed to grab a job at a start-up company as a Digital Marketing Assistant, something I actually enjoyed. However, a part of me yearned to go back to university. So I applied for Journalism and Media courses in the local area, something that suited me down to the 't'.

Leon also surprised me to a valentines day watching Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, which was amazing. It literally was such a shock - and notably the most romantic thing he's done all year.... I'm joking, I think. 


I booked a long weekend away in a log cabin for Leon's birthday. It was pure bliss, the hot tub was super relaxing and I wish I could be there now. I also started going back to the uni, in a need to lose some extra pudding I'd gained.

Issue 8 of Blogosphere was released, and I finally got my name credited in a magazine - exciting times! I also started writing for Blogging Gals, which was great for me to expand my writing platform. I also left my job in marketing at the end of the month, and made the best decision of my life so far...


I started my new job at Loughborough Students' Union. Leon also guest posted on my blog, which is one of my most read posts yet. I also got my offer from DMU to study Journalism and Media Communication - which is where I am now! I also opened up publicly about my anxiety, and wrote a post that made me feel super vulnerable - but I got heaps of support!

April was a weird turning point, I felt I was getting myself back but losing os much of what I thought made me.


I neglected my blog.

Big time. I know so many people say this, but honestly hats off to people who work full-time and run a blog. I found it so hard, especially with trying to make a recovery and get myself back. I had so much fun with my job and I guess I just got lost, I lacked content. I still lack content. I was in a strange realm of creative-blankness.

Ps. if you haven't tried the non-related yoghurt below, please just go and do it. 


June was a good month, like always the month started off with me dying my hair a new crazy colour. I tried to get a peachy ombre type do, so I used the raved about Bleach London products, and yeah well, that lasted for 2 washes.... waste of money. 

Another big life thing (lol) happened in June and I cut gluten, or most gluten out of my diet. I had been suffering with horrible digestive problems for a while and decided to take the chance, as I'd noticed my body reacting horribly to foods such as pasta, bread and I have not looked back. Cutting gluten out gave me more energy, and I was able to lose the weight I struggled shifting. It does come with it's annoying issues, but hey, all for the good of my own health.


July could be summed up by awards, lots of alcohol and Craig David - working for a students' union had it's perks. I loved July, mainly because everyone is so much nicer and happier when the sun comes to play, but this was such a good month. Me and Leon also hit the 3 year mile stone.

This month was the turning point that I was seeing myself finally take control of my anxiety. My job sometimes took me out of my comfort zones and pushed me, but I had the best bunch of pals there for support. As for Craig. Oh my god. I think I'm in love with him - and Leon is well aware. In fact, Leon actually bought me tickets to see Craig in Nottingham for my 21st. I am literally so buzzing.


Finally all my clean eating, meal prep and gym had started to show. In August, I officially lost a stone and I was so proud. I hated going to the gym, but persisted going because I hated what I was seeing. With an accumulation of cutting the gluten out and blasting the cardio and weights I was seeing the change.

I also received a lovely pick me up from a school friend, who I actually haven't seen in a very long time. Sometimes the smallest actions by people can literally make someone's month. Also, can I just say that if you're looking for a new face mask, the Bodyshop's British Rose is amazing at dehydrated! So thank you so much Lara if you're reading this!


September was bittersweet for me. The time for me to go to university again finally rolled around, but leaving LSU was so sad. I'd made some absolutely amazing friends, who are all so different and inspiring in their own ways. They absolutely spoiled me, and I couldn't be more grateful for the opportunity to work with such a fab team.

However, I was SO ready for uni. I was ready to smash it this time.


October was birthday month, I was the big 21! I had the most perfect birthday, with a week away with Leon in Lanzarote. It was a week filled with far too much wine, and a few too many bags of Cheetos than I care to admit. Bless my Nan's heart, she baked me a beautiful gluten-free cake and I celebrated a few days prior to my flight with a glass of prosecco with my nearest and dearest.

I also made it onto the uni cheer team - which was the best news. I've met some absolutely amazing gals at cheer who literally make my uni experience! I also had my first experience of Nottingham's nightlife for my pal of years, Abo's 21st too. Let's just say, that was eventful. 


November was hard adjusting to everything at uni, and I was still figuring out how to balance my work, with cheer and going to gym as well as life admin. However, I got stuck into my work, and got my first FIRST on my presentation in Journalism - it was the day of the US election, so not sure if this was a bad omen for me. I actually can't believe I just wrote that, ha! I'm defo not a born-again Trump supporter now - just fyi.

I celebrated with my best pals in my new flat, as a late birthday shindig! Again, another eventful night with too much prosecco (guilty!)

I also hit the 2-stone weight loss make and I couldn't have been happier - it's nice to see that working out 4 times a week and eating properly was actually working for me!


The most wonderful time of the year! But, I was defo watching Sky Christmas in November - but haters gonna hate. December has been great/is great! We've been working hard at cheer to prepare for the comp in Feb, so that's been a focus. I also finally managed to get a job at uni, so I'm now going to be responsible for running the Business and Law school blog which is exciting. I really wanted a part time job that was going to enhance my CV in terms of my career, and I was so happy when I got the phone call!

Anyway, that's been 2016. Yes it's been a shit-show for most of the world, and it nearly broke me. But, 2016 - you've been alreet, and I'll be glad to see the back of ya!

Thanks for reading pals, having a cracking Christmas and New Year!


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