
Okay - so I'm Soph, this is my blog, Pint Sized Soph.

At the end of 2015 I started this blog as a pass-time/to deal with my procrastination whilst studying an English degree at uni. To cut a long story short, or read my post here, I dropped out. And I haven't looked back since. 

My health plummeted whilst at university, but I'm on a road to recovery, and each day is a small step back to my usual, bubbly self.

So from time to time, you may see long rambly posts about my mental health journey. That's just a form of release to get me dealing with my issues.

What now? I'm back at university in Leicester, studying Journalism and Media Communication.

What do I love? Music - all kinds. I'm an absolute Spotify nerd. Making playlists 24/7, always on the look out for a new car jam. Beyonce. Beyonce is life.

I love clothes too. From working for New Look at the age of 16, I've developed this long, horrible addiction to buying new clothes. Oh and Sambuca. But I can't drink it anymore, going into my twenties I've finally realised there are certain drinks that are not worth the hangover.

If you wanna chat, feel free to grab me on my social media platforms linked on my blog!

Also please see my other blog for examples of my university work.

Copyright © Pint Sized Soph
Design by Fearne