The £6 Drugstore Foundation for Pale Skin

Sunday 30 April 2017

Pale girls of the world, I am here to save your day. For years and years, I've been heading to my local Superdrug or Boots looking for a foundation fit my criteria:

1. Inexpensive 
2. Overs good coverage 
3. Doesn't look horrendous on my oily/acne prone skin
AND, 4. Isn't too dark for me.

I'm not asking for a lot am I? Well for as long as I can remember I would walk into a local drugstore, and scrap endless testers over my hand to try and find something that didn't look like a giant wotsit (or cheeto for ya'll internationals) had been smeared all over me. The struggle was real. 

Even when brands claimed they had a 'Porcelain' shade, I could guarantee it wouldn't match my complexion. I explicitly remember going to school, and there being a 'no make-up' rule (which I obviously disobeyed) but somehow I still managed to convince myself that no-one would notice the thick foundation line I tried to rock.

Not only did I suffer with the issue that I was essentially born a part of the Cullen family, but I suffered with horrible, teenage acne, which still hasn't left my face, wahoo. My skin is oily, and my pores are the size of moon craters and anything I've used seems to seep into them and highlight them as a nice feature of my face. 

Well, I think, I've finally found my holy grail foundation for my pale ass skin. What is this miracle product I hear you ask? It's none other than Maybelline's FitMe Matte & Poreless Foundation. I've never written a full review on any product before, so this bad boy is that shit.

This stuff is magical and I've mentioned it in my February Make-Up favourites before. It's also £5.99, and that's definitely something my poor student self can deal with. The foundation is a liquid formula that is primarily for normal to oily skin complexions. 

The foundation claims to 'mattify and redefine pores with blurring micro-powders for poreless looking skin.' What do you know, it actually does what it claims to do. It's super light weight and silky on my skin, and it really does give me a seamless finish. 

The shade range for this foundation is also a massive plus! I have the shades 105 'Natural Ivory' and 110 'Porcelain'. Natural Ivory has more of a pinky undertone, whereas the Porcelain shade has more of yellow undertone. However, I prefer the Porcelain shade as I prefer yellow-toned foundations on my skin. 

I also have shade 130 Buff Beige, for when I'm tanned (which I am in this, if you can't tell lol.) This stuff is great if you're on a student budget, and currently Superdrug have their 3 for 2 across cosmetics instore and online - so you have more of an excuse to grab some new beauty buys!

Let me know if you guys have any other drugstore beauty recommendations, cus this gal is as poor as they come right now, and still waiting on that student loan to drop...

Thanks for reading, pals!


Instagram Made Me Hate My Body

Saturday 29 April 2017

(Yes to the free Tesco food mag, hitting me up with all the yumminess!

Dear Instagram, please stop making me hate my body.

If there is one thing in the world I would wish for, it would to be comfortable in my own skin. For a long time now I’ve been on a journey to be the best version of myself, and it’s still a working progress.

I go throw various cycles of obsessing over the gym, and dragging myself there to sweat my metaphorical balls off. To then, well, just not going at all and lying in my bed, depressed. 

See, the trouble is with lying in bed, you're not just lying in bed, but you’re endlessly scrolling through social media. 

I scroll through Instagram, Twitter, back to Instagram to Youtube - and then repeat and repeat again. 

The trouble is, a lot of the people I follow on Instagram are fitness accounts - who I absolutely adore. But, man they shit all over my mental health.

I feel like as platform Instagram is full of images of what young women aspire to be, which is nothing like what women look like in reality. I love when bloggers like Grace Victory or Laura Jane, show images of their natural bodies and are so comfortable in their own skin. I live for that shit. That's the level of comfortability and self love I aim to be at. 

But right now I’m struggling with weight-loss and I feel like I’ve hit a plateau. Seeing these shredded women on my feed is doing nothing good for myself. It’s like I’m torturing myself. 

It's not like I'm wanting to lose weight for anyone, or anything in particular. It's just that I want to be happy in my own body. It's not just about a number on the scales, but the way I feel in my clothes. It's about not being self-conscious if I have a roll that's bulging, or an arm that's not quite as toned as I'd like it to be. 

My weight has always been up and down like a fricking yo-yo, and I just want some stability right now. I’m eating well, and I’ve recently decided to go vegetarian (which I shall write about in the coming weeks), but my diet isn’t bad. Generally, I eat pretty well. It’s the gym bit  struggle with. 

Not only do I have the whole diet/gym battle but my fricking hormones are all over the place. I’ve recently decided to come off the pill, which ad been a long time coming and my body is in the process of rebalancing. I’ve been taking starflower and evening primrose oil, to try and help the process but my body has been going craaaazy. (If anyone has any tips as to what I can do to help me feel good again - please leave me a comment!)

Instagram is a craft, and I know it's not real and I tell myself it's not real. But, somehow I continue to put myself down. I may take a break from it for a while, just to clear some headspace. 

Let me know your thoughts on Instagram!



Counselling Saved Me

Friday 28 April 2017


(Enjoy this lil' throwback of baby Soph) 

I'm coming to the end of my first year at university, and I can't believe I’m saying this, but I’m finally happy.

A few months ago, I was struggling really badly with my mental health. I’ve suffered for the past year and a half (on and off) with anxiety and depression. But, I'm finally feeling, well, better. 

Before heading to university, for the second time, I’d been on the NHS waiting list to receive counselling for a long, long time… 7 months in fact. My doctor had prescribed me medication to numb the physical symptoms but I needed to speak to someone. I needed to untangle the knots in my head. 

We all know the NHS is stretched, as this is in no way bashing them at all but this is simply my experience. I was offered telephone counselling as a short-term solution, until I could see a therapist. This was great, except there was one small problem, phone calls incredibly triggered me. I hated them. I had a few sessions, but there's something so impersonal and troubling about telling a faceless voice that you've had suicidal thoughts. 

When I came to university in September 2016, I declared on my UCAS form that I had suffered with mental health and I can’t thank my university enough. Because I’d declared this I was given a counselling session within a week of applying. I’m allowed 6 sessions per year, and so far I've had 5 sessions. I'm saving the last one as a backup! 

I want to stress that everyone's journeys are different and if other treatments work for you, then amazing! But in my personal situation, I need a talking therapy. 

So, how did counselling help me?

Counselling was vital in me sorting the broken bits in my head, and piecing those memories into a timeline and working out what triggered me to feel low, or anxious. 

See, I’m a very open book when it comes to mental health but, when it comes to some of the situations I’ve had to go through I’m incredibly closed. Having an impartial person listening to my story, and reassuring me that I’m normal to be feeling the way I was, really took a huge weight off of my shoulders. I was reminded I wasn’t weak in fact, I’d just been too strong for too long.

Counselling taught me that I’m too hard on myself. In fact, I'm a perfectionist. I push myself to my breaking point, in an attempt to over-achieve and give myself some sort of acceptance. I replaced days in bed feeling depressed, with going to the gym 6 times a week and a calorie-restricted diet. These then followed with days of endlessly binging on foods that made me feel sluggish and sad. 

Thing is, counselling taught me about my patterns. I’m a cyclical person. For example, in March 2016 - I was comfort eating myself to destruction after leaving university. Flash forward to March 2017,  I’m more aware of what I’m eating and guess what, it was crap. Breaking this down and exploring my emotional brain with my cognitive brain was important for me. I’m able to recognise my triggers, and help try stop them. 
Counselling was the best medication for me, not citalopram and whatever other drug I was prescribe. For me, my doctor prescribing medication was to cover themselves, they are essentially the middle men between accessing therapy. I completely understand their situation, but I knew deep down, medication just wasn't an answer for me. 

I would encourage anyone struggling to consider taking the counselling route if they have access to it - it really saved me. 

Recovery and mental health is a journey. It would be naive of me to think that I'm magically fixed, and that I will go back to my bubbly self. I know that's not the case, of course I still have bad days. But those bad days are few and far between nowadays. 

If anyone has any questions about counselling or mental health in general, please feel free to message me or tweet me!

Thanks for reading pals!


pint sized soph | lifestyle blogger

Why ‘Millennials’ Need to Care About Politics | #BloggersWhoVote

Wednesday 26 April 2017


Disclaimer: Now, this is in no way a preachy post telling you who to vote for, but more encouraging you to actually vote - it’s actually really simple (although hints of my allegiance will be fed throughout, lol obvs). If you’re also not registered yet, please follow this link to ensure you’re able to voteIf you’re a university student, you can also register to your term time address and vote as part of that constituency. Now, less of the formalities, let’s get gritty. 

* * * * * 

Politics. I know, I hear you gal and I let out a great big moan too - not the welcomed type either. Have you ever wondered why throughout school we are taught absolutely zilch about politics, and yet we’re expected to make a vote about a system we’re completely clueless about? Yeah, me too.

In case you’re not aware, Theresa May has called a ‘snap’ general election on 8th June 2017 - and I want to encourage you to vote. Voting allows you to air your views, and is your right in the UK. Anyone who follows me on Twitter will know I love a good political debate - even if I haven't got a clue about what I’m saying. Debating is good for the soul. Thinking is good for the soul. 

* * * * * 

Be the change you want to see in the world - use your voice!

Fed up of the inequalities in the UK? Fed up of £9000 a year (and rising) tuition fees? Then vote - it gives you a voice! When the parties announce their manifestos, read them. These are key on seeing whether any of the points raised strike a chord with you. I don’t know about you, but I’m sick of the injustice and the demonization of the poor in this country. The media are a bugger for it too, I know, I’m a media student. I've seen so many people highlight the 'you should vote for yourself' card, and whilst I agree with this statement, I don't think it's entirely fair. I'm voting for the poor, the disabled, those who have had their NHS (which they rely on) destroyed. 

I come from a working-class background, and I'll never forget the struggles my mum has had to go through in her life. She worked, and still does, every hour god sends to provide for her family. If it wasn't for the struggles we went through in early life, then I wouldn't be half the person I am today. I empathise with those living on the breadline, unsure where there next meal is coming from.

I’ll vote for a democracy that strives to redistribute the wealth in this country, and not allow for large, transatlantic companies to get out of paying their tax. I’m a student with two part time jobs - I still pay tax, so why shouldn’t they? 

We, as the ‘next generation’ or millennials are the next generation to put our mark on this world - let's make it a positive one. We get it. We get a bad wrap as millennials. Even the word makes me queasy. We're deemed lazy. We're spoilt. We've had it too good. We've heard it all, and we know that's not the case. 

We're so engaged in the wider world, and more than ever social media has made it easier for us to be connected to world issues. We may be called lazy, but we're compassionate and aware. From my Facebook list alone, I've had friends actively sharing political based content - educating and opening a discussion with their friends. Politics should be for everyone, it should be accessible and not elitist. 


1. Follow journalists on Twitter - their job is to hold people to account, and they know their shit!

Personally, I love following Owen Jones. His passion and politics speaks to me - but there are plenty out there who are making this election accessible to all. Abi Wilkinson is another great source. Remember, a journalists job is to hold MPs to account, to unveil the truth and work for the public good. 

Side note: please be wary of media sources, as some newspapers/publishing platforms are owned and managed by people who will try and influence the vote. Be wary, do your research. Just be critical with the media you're consuming, 

2. Keep your eye on the political party websites for the shortcoming manifestos.

This is pretty self explanatory, but keep up to date with their websites for the Conservatives, Lib-Dem, Labour (and all the others in-between). They will post their key messages for you to read to decide on who you'll vote for. 

3. Email your local MP, and find out what they've been doing!

People forget we're voting for our own MP's and see the vote based on the leaders of the parties. What we must remember is that yes, we're voting for a party but also our local MP. Head to TheyWorkForYou this will show you a simple breakdown on the issues your MP has voted on. Your MP should also have a contact page on their own private websites - quiz them, ask what they've been doing, what they want to do for your in the future, be as open and honest as you want. It's their job to respond. 

Here's a breakdown of a table that I found on Twitter, that shows who voted on key issues:

Whether you believe Brexit is good or bad. Whether you hate Jeremy Corbyn, but side with Labour. Or whether you even think the Conservatives are not actively destroying the NHS (side note: I'm obviously not still voting for the tories) just vote, people died for your right to vote. 

Social media and the internet makes it incredibly easy for us to find the information on the competing parties, let's change this lazy attitude we stamped with. Let's become educated, let's open a dialogue. Hell, let's make politics cool to talk about.

Because you may not be interested in politics, but politics is certainly interested in you. Politics defines and shapes the wider society around you. 

Thanks for reading pals, let's open a discussion - I'd love to know your thoughts. 

pintsizedsoph | lifestyle blogger

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