Life Lately in Photos

Tuesday 12 April 2016

I'll be the first person to admit that I've been slacking with my blogging. When I look back at my January archives and how much I posted, it does make me feel a bit guilty. Since I've bagged myself full-time work, I've found it really hard to fit blogging in. Especially since I'm at work all day on a computer, it's a nice to have a break in the evenings and relaxing my tired, lil square eyes.

I wanted to do a round up Life Lately post for you all, to give you an update on what's going on in the Land of Soph, because there's been SO much.

Let's start with my highlight of the year, well so far...

Blogosphere Magazine

So my name is credited in an actual magazine, that is sold in actual shops, for actual money. Who would have thought it? When I decide way back in December, that I was going to drop out of university, I had a mini panic. I knew I wanted to work within the media, and I had a love of blogging and writing but I had no idea what I wanted to do.

I contacted lots of magazines to organise some work experience, and luckily the lovely Alice at Blogosphere gave me the break I needed! I worked super hard on behalf of the team at Blogosphere to help produce the latest Issue 8 - which is the best yet, if I do say so myself. I can't believe how much responsibility I was given, having chosen a lot of the articles within the issue, but I couldn't be more grateful. 

I Got a New-New Job 

So this week it's my first week at my new job working for Loughborough Students' Union, and I'm so excited. I never thought in a million years I'd get the role, as there were so many other candidates with more experience than me. I'm excited to be working in such a great environment, and if you don't know Loughborough have won like a million student satisfaction awards, and they're doing incredibly well. If you're looking into universities, I'd definitely recommend checking Loughborough out - it's practically a student town. 

I'm Going Back to Uni

I've finally made my decision to head to De Montfort University in September to study Journalism + Media and I couldn't be more excited about it. I've been to see a few nice flats (as I can't imagine living back in halls again) - and I just need to secure somewhere to live and it's all a-go-go. I'm really excited to start at DMU, the campus has had so much renovation work and it's looking amazing. It's also only half an hour away from home, and although I am moving out - purely for the fact I've outgrown my home and there's just not enough space for us all - I'm only going to be a short drive away home. 

I'm Hitting the Gym - Again 

Me and mum have signed up to the gym together, and although over the Easter break we may have let it all slip again, I'm finally back into the gym. For those with anxiety, they know this is a huge step forward - well for me it is. Because, for me, stepping into a gym was the most daunting thing on Earth, I'm not happy with my body and it's the largest I've been so my confidence was at an all time low. But, just after 3 weeks of going regularly to the gym I've seen a massive improvement, in not only my physique, but my mind too.

As you can see I've started Cute Nutrition, thanks to the lovely Sarah Ashcroft and that's also been motivating me a lot more, and I wrote a post a few weeks back about how I was getting back to the gym and starting this new regime, if you fancy a read

I'm Taking Control of My Anxiety 

I'm not letting it defeat me, and the ball has finally started moving on me getting some treatment. I'll give a more updated post on treatment and what not when I'm further into it all. But, right now, I'm happy and I'm working towards overcoming this and I'm feeling a lot stronger in myself.

So there's a little round up of my life lately, let me know what you're up to, or tweet me if you fancy a lil chat - I'm always looking for new bloggers to chat to on Twitter!


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