My Favourite Bloggers

Monday 21 March 2016

Sophie-Anne Hamilton, UK Lifestyle Blog

I've always been a firm believer that the blogging community needs to support each other. In life, and in general I'm a believe in that, especially women we need to stand together and build each other up.

With that in mind, I wanted to write a post sharing all my love for my favourite blogs to read. Apart from the absolute staples on my Bloglovin' feed with the likes of Lydia Elise Millen, Sarah Ashcroft and InTheFrow, it goes without saying there are some much smaller bloggers that I love reading every day.

Hannah Gale 

As most readers of my blog, or those who follow me on Twitter you'll know I'm a massive fan of Hannah Gale. I find myself daily searching her blog to be delighted with the ultimate goals content, which make my morning commutes that little bit nicer. Hannah has a special talent, and her talent is her writing voice. She's your typical, down-to-earth girl whose just going through life, following her passion for blogging. She also has two beautiful cats, and being a dog person, that's a blimming statement for me. If you're looking for someone who can make you fist pump, laugh literally outloud, and leave you wanting more then Hannah Gale is your gal. 

Sophie Rosie

I'm relatively new to Sophie Rosie's blog, but boy I'm glad I found this gem. I love her style and her photography is literally my goals. She's another lifestyle blogger, who I find myself wanting to read more content from, but following her on Twitter makes me appreciate her blog even more. I know what it's like to work full-time and try and cram in blogging time, it's hard bloody work and it takes time to adjust. I love her more intimate posts with her most recent on body confidence, she's a lifestyle blogger I really look up to.

Blush and Noise

I recently discovered Abigail's blog whilst becoming part of the Blogging Gals team, she's a fellow editor and since finding her blog I've been obsessed. She's a Liverpool based blogger - can we just talk about how many people from Liverpool have a blog?! But she covers range of lifestyle, beauty and fashion posts, so there's something to appeal for everyone. She also has a beautiful Instagram which I drool over so much, and she absolutely rocks the short hair cut.

Little Thinker

Hannah has only recently revealed the face behind the blog, and it's great to finally put a face to a blogger. I love Little Thinker primarily for the wonderfully written posts Hannah writes on mental health. I always have huge amounts of respect when bloggers are open in talking about their struggles in life, as I know from experience how hard and scary it can be to put yourself out there. Hannah covers a broad range from lifestyle to beauty, and her content is always so lovely and well-thought out. 


How can we not all love Chloe and especially her amazing shop - ThatLameCompany that literally make every blogger crave their cute prints, and creative desk notepads. We also share a common love for pugs, and literally anyone who loves pugs as much as me, I instantly love too. I love Chloe's post because there's always something a little different to read, being a lifestyle blogger can be tough work, considering most bloggers will have similar content. But, I love Mojichlo and her lovely list posts especially!

I'm always looking for new blogs to read, leave a comment with your links in and I'll get a-searching for my next ultimate loves.

For now,

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