Wherefore Art Thou Bikini Body?

Wednesday 20 January 2016

Hello you lovely lot. Dealing with those January blues? Frantically hitting the gym? I think I might have some handy advice for you.

Just a quick note. This post is in no way, shape or form sponsored by Protein World. It's just ya girl giving you some good, honest advice. 

The question is on all our lips. When is it my turn to be Insta-hot? Unfortunately, like many, I'm one of these who may have indulged a little too much over the Christmas period, and now seriously regretting it. Every year, it's the same thing. I tell myself that I'll get in shape and have a super health-kick. And that will last... For about a week.

For me, I always need a little boost when it comes to starting a weight-loss journey. The best products that I've used have definitely been from Protein World.

I know what you're thinking. Another over-advertised, crappy product, that claims to work miracles and is a waste of money... But wait! It works, I promise you!

Now, I became aware of this brand around Spring last year, and I'm so glad I did. After reading hundreds of reviews, I decided to make the plunge and buy their Weightloss Collection.

I opted for the Vanilla flavour, which actually tastes like a McDonalds Milkshake. Hallelujah. No word of a lie. It's a weightloss product that actually tastes super yummy! I used to look forward to having it.

So, I added 4 scoops of the protein powder into my shaker with Almond Milk, I preferred unsweetened as the vanilla powder was sweet enough, and this is what the nutritionists at Protein World recommend. Now, it's entirely up to you. You can use them before working out, after working out, and generally as a meal replacement.

As I became more familiar with the product I experimented more. I blended all sorts of fruits and yoghurts, and whatever I could find really hanging about! It all goes in the blender, and BAM, healthy yummy goodness. But you're not restricted to shakes - you can have pancakes, brownies, there's a tonne of receipts on the Protein World website.

My favourite recipes have to be: Peanut Butter and Banana, or Strawberries and Natural Yoghurt.
They're so easy to make up, and you can make them the night before you need them. With these shakes, and I will add exercising at the gym for an hour or two a week, I regularly lost around 3-4 pounds.

Having said that, on weeks I wasn't feeling motivated for the gym, I generally lost a pound or two. But they do advise the product is best alongside working out. Generally, they recommend that you have 2 shakes a day and a healthy main meal.

Now, I tried as much as possible to stick to this. However, I often found myself only having 1 shake - most of the time as a lunchtime replacement. But, I still lost weight! I think it's one of those products that you have to find your happy medium. I didn't really want to lose an extreme amount of weight, however you could definitely if you stick to the 2 shakes, 1 healthy main meal, and healthy snacks (if needed). But genuinely, the shakes used to fill me up so much - but not like absolutely stuffed full, just a happy full.

The collection also comes with, what I knew it as the Fat Melters a.k.a Slender Blend tablets. I had a constant battle with these, whilst they accelerated my weightloss, they gave me huuuuuuuge migraines. So I'd be super careful if you're prone to headaches or migraines when taking these tablets.  The collection also comes with the handy multi-vitamins, which we all could do with!

As I start those nights endlessly scrolling through travel sites, I think it's definitely time for a repurchase for me. Oh, and maybe it's time to repurchase that gym membership that I've been ignoring.

Do you have any fitness tips? Let me know, I'd love to know what your go to tips are!


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