Life As We Know It: Week 2

Sunday 31 January 2016

Hello again you lovely lot. Welcome back to the second week of Life As We Know It.

If you didn't catch last weeks posts, basically this a brand new weekly series on my blog reminiscing on my week. Think of it like a weekly vlog - without the vlogging...

I'll split the different bits of my week under different groups. So I'll talk about life generally, how my blog has been going, and my health.

So grab a cuppa, and let's have a chat about this week!

Life As We Know It:

This week has been a good one. A real good one. Leon came back from uni for a few days, so I've been able to spend some quality time with him, which has definitely well needed.

We've had a few cosy nights in front of the tv, I've been absolutely addicted to this year's Celebrity Big Brother. I've always been one of those who literally hated the programme. But this year I'm hooked - the line up was the first thing that got me interested.

Finally a house full of actual household names in the 'celeb' world. I'm not sure who I want to win, but I definitely wouldn't mind Scotty T to win. I love watching him in Geordie Shore - but there's something about this Big Brother series that has shown him in a different light, it's almost shown the kind heartedness and soft side, that's hidden underneath the 'fuck boy' front.

This series has been explosive, with a drama kicking off at least every day. CBB have definitely got the bang for they buck this year. It's been hilarious!

Another favourite of mine has been Making A Murder (like every other person on the planet). I finished it in a record breaking 2 days. Sad I know. But I was flipping hooked. If you have been wondering wether you should start it you totally should. It's a gritty, real life documentary that will make you wish you had a Law degree.

I've also found a love for cooking, I've literally done so much this week. Me and the fan have been trying to eat a lot healthier - with the help of Rosemary Colony. My favourite recipes at the moment demo have to be Quorn Stuffed Peppers with Sweet Potato Fries, and also a Tandoori Chicken with Rice. I'm thinking of writing up some foodie posts soon with the details - let me know if you want to see these on my blog!

I had a real spontaneous day on Saturday and I managed to dye my hair a cool steel grey. I've written a blogpost about it, if you want to learn how I did it. But I'm so in love with it. I've never really been one for crazy hair colours but this is totally my jam.

I also start my new job on Monday too - I'm getting a bit nervy, but I'm super excited to get stuck in!

Health As We Know It:

Same old same old really. Although I've been having better nights sleeps - with the help of Nytol. But we'll see how it goes when I start my job. I have a generous 10am start, so hopefully i'll be able to get enough shut eye.

I've been thinking about repurchasing a gym membership. Recently, in my area, there have gyms popping up left right and centre, so I'm figuring which one is going to be the best one for me. There's also another one right outside my new workplace. I need to do a list of pros and cons and whittle it down to choose which one I think.

My anxiety has been a bit rocky this week. I've had some good days and bad, and every day is different. I'm getting there, still waiting for a phonemail from a therapist - but isn't everyone lately. Ah well, we'll see what happens.

The Blog As We Know It:

I know sooooooooo many bloggers say "it's not about numbers" but when you're a newbie, it's nice to keep a track of what's going on. It gives me more motivation in thinking that people are liking/reading my blog, and that definitely makes me happy.

I finally reached 1K followers on twitter! I never thought I'd see the day... I was so happy this week when I got a lil' notification through. Twitter is by far my favourite social media platform, it's so nice to get chatting to other bloggers.

I've been loving the Twitter chats too - especially the Girl Gang chat. I love The Girl Gang - its such a supportive network for bloggers. Whenever I've been feeling low, a quick tweet and there's been someone just to chirp me up again. If you're not a member - you totally should be!

I've been slacking in writing my posts, and this week I've realised I really should get more organised. Especially since I start my job full-time, I need to learn to sort posts out in advance now. If you guys have any tips then let me know how you juggle it all.

Let me know how your week has gone - I hope well.

For now,

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