New Year, New You?

Monday 28 December 2015

(Source: Kaboompics

The New Year is soon to arrive and I've got a feeling 2016 is going to be a goodie!

2015 has hit me with a lot of things I didn't see coming but I'm determined more than ever to make next year a good year. I've already managed to secure some work experience placements - one with the magazine Blogosphere, which is a brilliant publication written by bloggers for bloggers, you can buy your copy here! I'm incredibly excited to get my teeth stuck into something and I think this is the first time, in a long time, I've felt overly positive about the future and the possibilities of my next steps in life.

At the beginning of a new year I think it's always a good time to start evaluating life and make the changes you've been wanting to. Whether it's that decision you make to drag yourself to the gym to get rid of the Xmas pooch you've developed, or you want to take up a new hobby or even change the colour of your hair, my advice? Do it. If there's one thing 2015 has taught me it's that life is far too short, and yes, we're all brought up being told this but it really is too short.

I suppose that's why I'm taking my blog a bit more seriously now - and when I mean serious, I just mean attempting to post more, and posting content that I'm passionate about or interested in, not just posting for the hell of it. I love writing, and I love being creative so why not share my love on a platform that I can share with others? I'm not exactly sure what my 'niche' is yet, but with posting more regularly I hope I'll discover it.

I want to make 2016 a year full of experiences, and when I say that, I mean it. Not in a "I want to travel the entire world" experience, but in a hands on, get stuck into life kind of way. For a long time I've felt trapped by my anxiety and even living in London restricted me on a daily basis. I didn't want to get out of bed, and I'm now determined to push myself out of bed and not let the black dog keep me down (well as much as I can.) There's so much I want to do and why not now?

Hopefully I will be heading back to university, somewhere a little closer to home since I'm only a small egg. But I'm still not decided on what is the right path for me. If I could be studying Journalism and Media, or Media and Communications I think I'll be a happy bean - as they're both subjects I have an genuine interest in. But I'm just gonna go with the flow. I know it's corny, but I'm a strong believer in fate and at the end of the day - what will be will be.

I'd like to think in 2016 it's a year full of adventures, new experiences and hopefully a year full of happiness. I think it's important to remember to appreciate the little things in life, and this year that's definitely going to be my mantra.

What are you guys planning for 2016, anything exciting? Let me know!

Love Soph x

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